Power Generation Sector

The VRU CJC™ products - Varnish Removal Unit, CJC™ Fine Filters and CJC™ Filter Separators help power plants to maintain clean oil:

  • Turbine Lubrication
  • Turbine Control Systems
  • Hydraulic systems
  • Feed pumps
  • Reduction systems in cooling towers
  • Transformers
  • Voltage regulators
  • Switches
  • Coal mills and crushers
  • Diesel storage tanks
  • Emergency generators
  • Water cooling pumps

The operating conditions in the hydraulic oil systems or other systems with fluids in power plants are severe. Dust from crusher machines increases the viscosity of the oil. Steam emulsifies with the oil and causes oxidation and corrosion of bearings. Water and gases reduce the insulating effect of the oil in the transformer.
The CJC™ products are the most efficient and economical maintenance way for the oil in the systems of power plants. The reliability and equipment life can be greatly enhanced with the installation of an oil maintenance system.